District Governor - Rtn. Manjoo Phadke
Editor - Rtn. Madhur Dolare

A Note to Yourself Back
As we close in on this rotary year, think about all the days and moments that you spent as a participant in rotary. Spend a quiet moment reflecting and celebrating. The achievements, friendships and community impact made during this time are what makes life engaging and productive. Think about the moments where you explored uncharted territories- in terms of service or self-improvement. Humans are social beings; friendships forged and communities uplifted are not confined to a single year; they will remain as the foundation upon which future relations will thrive. When we share our happiness, it multiplies; when we share our burdens, they lighten. Connections with family, friends and even strangers enrich our lives, bringing deeper meaning and purpose. Life's beauty is magnified through the bonds we create and the compassion we extend. In sharing, we not only enhance our own lives but also spread light and love, making the world a better place.

Consider this an opportune time to evaluate and renew the promises made to yourself. Reflecting on personal and professional growth allows for a deeper understanding of what has
been achieved and what lies ahead. Embrace the chance to learn a new skill; take up a new responsibility in your club, nurturing the curiosity and ambition within you. Change is a
constant and with it comes growth. This cyclical nature of endings and beginnings ensures that the spirit of service remains dynamic and ever evolving.

Friendships are the threads that weave the fabric of a fulfilling life, offering comfort in times of need and celebrating achievements along the way. Here’s wishing you all beautiful friendships in the coming year!

Carpe Diem!

Rtn. Tejashree Patil
Co Editor, GML 2023-24