Rtn. Shubhangi Mulay
District Governor
Rtn. Shital Shah

Message By Vice Governor Back

Dear Fellow Rotarians ,

Our district is poised to grow exponentially in the next decade ,thanks to all good and effective work done by all the rotarians. We can surely be one of the best districts in the world,with the inclusion of more inspired members every year ,with prime focus on young adults -men and women achievers.

Every year brings a new theme,new directions,new ideas ,new challenges,new members and new opportunities for service . Rotary’s main objective is service -in the community,in the workplace and around the globe . The concept of vocational service is rooted in the second object of rotary ,which calls on rotarians to encourage and foster high ethical standards in business and profession. The recognition and worthiness of all the useful occupations and the dignifying of each rotarian's occupation is an opportunity to SERVE society . And frankly rotary is all about service first and friendship-fellowship follows as a reward.

Have tried to give some meaning to oft used word FELLOWSHIP in rotary -

What fellowship really means is -

Friendship extension long lasting organising worldly services helping infinite people.

Our district is doing well consistently improving upon previous year .

And 2024-25 is not going to be different under the leadership of DG Shital Shah and support from you all. Have additional reason to rejoice as he is Past President of my Rotary Club of Pune East.

He has proven his professional skills in finance and geared up for creating new milestones in CSR . His concept of Playing 11 is also very well received by all club leaders in the district and shall be a good initiative towards enhancing assimilation in the club.

Wishing you all a great rotary year ahead full of opportunities to create Magic of Rotary.


Warm Regards,


Yours in Rotary,

PDG Mohan Palesha

Vice District Governor
