Rotary Club of Pune Sports City, in collaboration with their CSR partner Capricorn Logistics, has taken a significant step towards bridging the educational divide by providing digital education solutions for underprivileged school kids at Gram Prabodhini Vidyalaya, Pune. The inauguration of the "Digital Rotary World" at the school was graced by Mr. Vijay Ghogale and Dr. Nivedita from Capricorn Logistics. The initiative was spearheaded by Rtn. Jane Basu, Rtn. Rupesh Basu and Rtn. Ram Kulkarni from the Rotary Club of Pune Sports City team.
This transformative project is set to benefit more than 500 students, offering them access to the same advanced learning tools available in private schools. With the introduction of digital classrooms, these young minds will have the opportunity to explore new educational horizons, enhancing their learning experiences and equipping them for a brighter future.
The Rotary Sports City team, along with their dedicated partners, continues to make impactful strides in community service, ensuring that quality education is within reach for every child, regardless of their background.