Rtn. Shubhangi Mulay
District Governor
Rtn. Shital Shah

We are happy to release 8th issue of GML which is a special issue as having a review of wonderful District Conference.
We all know that our GML is the reflection of the variety of noble work done by different clubs of our district 3131 under the leadership of our beloved DG Rtn.Shital Shah.Our GML is representing the Magical innings of all the Rotarians, in the blog format which is colourful quite interesting, informative, having photos and videos.
Our GML has crossed the viewership of 6000.So thanks to you all. Our GML was highly appreciated in District Conference which is a very proud thing to all of us.
Our GML Magical Innings is a platform wherein you can showcase your projects done, you can revise and upgrade your knowledge of Rotary by solving Rotary Quiz, you can get the information of various avenues, feel blessed by knowing the thoughts from DG Desk.
We are so happy to read the poems from Creative Corner.There is a huge talent in our District.Special appeal to all the members to come ahead and share your innovation through poems. Do read the Wonderful events done by our District.Our District Conference was just superb. It was quite inspiring.Please do read its review.We are getting a good support to Club Corner wherein we are showcasing the Club Information, a special knowhow of the club.
Special request to all Clubs  to send the information of their club projects by 28th of each month.Also special appeal to all  those  clubs who haven't sent any information regarding their projects till date, to send their club projects information.Ofcourse send the project information done in the current month.
So Dear Fellow Rotarians what you have to do is just click on the link of GML and enjoy reading the GML and share the link with your friends from Rotary as well as with Non Rotary Friends.
Stay Deeply Connected to the GML ( Magical Innings).

Rtn.Shubhangi Mulay
GML Editor
Rotary Club of Pune Phoenix