District Governor - Rtn. Manjoo Phadke
Editor - Rtn. Madhur Dolare

My Unforgettable Experience at the Singapore Pre-Convention... by Rtn. Shobha Nahar Back

Attending the Singapore Pre-Convention for the first time was a lifelong experience! When I was selected as a speaker, I felt a mix of emotions—excitement, fear and happiness all at once. The organizing committee provided me with a timeline for my presentation and I was determined to deliver my best.

My topic, 'Reversal Cultural Shock,' was a unique and challenging subject for RYE and I was a bit stressed about creating an engaging PPT. However, during the breakout session, when I stood up to present in a packed room (with people even standing!), I felt a surge of confidence. The attendees listened attentively, asked thoughtful questions, shared their opinions and showed appreciation.

After my session, many attendees approached me to praise my choice of subject, presentation style and even asked for selfies! The discussion continued for over 30 minutes, which was a huge success for my topic and presentation—exceeding my expectations!

Before my session, I had placed small gifts of Indian spices on each table, displayed the Indian flag in the room and attached our district banner under the screen. This was a great PR opportunity for our district 3131!

This experience has been a lifetime memory for me, boosting my enthusiasm to work even harder for youth exchange programs. Thank you for the opportunity!

- Rtn. Shobha Nahar
District RYE International Coordinator 2023-25
RFE chair 23-25 ( Friendship Exchange)
Maternal and Child Health Chair 24-25