Rtn. Shubhangi Mulay
District Governor
Rtn. Shital Shah

Rotary Club of Pune Magarpatta City Back
Rotary Club of Pune Magarpatta City
President 2024-25: Rtn Narendra Bannerjee
Club information:
RCP Magarpatta City has created two RCCs. The club has three ongoing Global Grant projects. They are poised to go for several CSR projects in this Rotary year 24-25. One of the flagship CSR project they have initiated is PET Scan machine for cancer detection which will cost 12 core, the biggest CSR funding project in the district ever. Apart from that, club is planning several CSR projects on literacy and youth for career counselling.
Signature projects are :
1)Affordable Cataract Surgery Project.
Also conduct awareness cum eye checkup camp.Identify treatable patients and counsel them to undergo treat
Conduct complete treatment and surgery to treat the cataract
2)Amputee Rehabilitation Project- Above Knee.
3)Amputee Rehabilitation Project - Below knee.
Primary goal is to provide above knee or below knee modular prosthesis to amputees as a treatment to improve their mobility and lifestyle.