Rotary Club of Pune Sinhagad Road has formed RCC at village Brahmnoli in Mulshi taluka of Pune district. The Charter of Formation of the RCC was handed over to the committee on 10th August 2024. About 50 villagers were present for the ceremony.
From RC Pune Sinhagad Road, President Abhay Devare and other Club members attended the ceremony. President of the RCC Brahmanoli Yogesh Kale, Secretary Ankush Kale and other members were present.
President Abhay Devare addressed the villagers and explained them about the concept of RCC, the need for the same, how Rotary will support and what is expected from the villagers. PI Director Milind Biwalkar set expectations of the villagers and RCC committee in terms of contribution expected from villagers financially and physically to make the projects successful and how villagers can take advantage of the support by Rotary for the development of the village.
It is proposed to start the activity with a health camp for villagers in October and then discuss and decide on the subsequent plans.
Rtn.Abhay Devare
Rotary Club of Pune Sinhagad Road