Rtn. Shubhangi Mulay
District Governor
Rtn. Shital Shah

Rotary Club of Poona Back
Vocational Excellence Award-
Rotary Club of Poona presented the Vocational Excellence Award to Kavya Datkhile of ‘Krishikavya’ which deals in making manure from cow dung. .
Kavya is a qualified nurse and while attending to cancer patients she learnt that all the chemicals and pesticides in our food grains, vegetables and fruits is the main cause of cancer in our country. That inspired her to do something at grass root level and provide means of growing chemical free crops. Her husband, working in an MNC left his job and joined her in Junnar where she learnt how to make the manure.
This product resulted in good yeilds which led her to train farmers and the younger generation how to make the manure in their own farms.

Artificial Limbs Project-
The Rotary Club of Poona through it's Community Service Avenue, in conjunction with the Navbharat Foundation, donated a sum of Rs. 2,08,000 towards providing 18 Advanced Modular Feet. The deserving beneficiaries were selected from distant districts of Maharashtra.
This initiative is part of our Club's Artificial Limbs Project and the objective is to give hope, succour and dignity to the underprivileged.

Rtn. Trupti Gowariker
Rotary Club of Poona