Rtn. Shubhangi Mulay
District Governor
Rtn. Shital Shah

District Governor Installation Ceremony Back

District Governor’s Installation Ceremony –the 7thof July 2024  (Rotary District 3131)

All roads on the morning of 7th July seemedto lead to the Smt Kashibai Navale Medical College Pune whichwas the venue for the Grand Installation Ceremony of District Governor Rtn. Shital Shah for the Rotary year 2024-25

The Guest List included TRF Trustee Vice Chair Rtn.Dr. Bharat Pandya as the Chief Guest, along with the galaxy of College of Governors, as well as Family members and Friends of Rtn. Shital & Rtn. Ragini Shah and Rotarians, Anns & Rotaractors from District3131.

Proud members of Rotary Club of Pune East Pariwar , in well coordinated attire were seen welcoming one and all to this prestigious event.

The morning kicked off with a wonderful performance of Ganesh Vandana by the Tulshibagwale sisters. Their agility, ability and dexterity left every one spellbound.

Presidential Installation ceremony saw the outgoing President Rtn. Sahil Shah handover the reins to incoming President Abhay Joshi who promised to work inunison with the district team to ensure that the vision imagined by District Governor Rtn. Shital Shah for this year becomes a reality.

Outgoing District Governor Manjoo Phadke took everybody through the glimpses of the year that was 2023-24.

And then it was time... amidst the loud cheering of the entire crowd, Rtn. Shital Shah was installed as the District Governor of Rotary International District 3131 at the hands of TRF Trustee Vice Chair Rtn. Dr Bharat Pandya in the presence of District Trainer ARRFC Rtn. Pankaj Shah and Vice Governor PDG Rtn. Mohan Palesha for the Rotary Year 2024-25.

DG Rtn. Shital Shah in his first speech as the newly installed District Governor outlined his plans for the Rotary Year 24-25 and encouraged everyone to“BE GOOD & DO GOOD”.

This was followed by the installation of Rtn. Drishti Singh as the DRR for the year 2024-25 and her acceptance speech.

District Initiatives like Ideal Study App, Ganadesh, along with the District Directory and GML were released at the hands of the Chief Guest.

The AV Promotion of the District Conference DISCON T25 followed.

The Global Grants, CSR, AKS, TRF & Membership felicitations which followed spoke volumes about themeticulous planning and hard work done by both the Membership & TRF teams beforethe start of the year. The TRF numbers were simply mindboggling.

Vice Governor PDG Rtn. Mohan Palesha in his customary shero-shayari  offered his best Wishes, while District Trainer ARRFC Rtn. Pankaj Shah cast a spell to introduce the Magic of Foundation.

Chief Guest Rtn. Dr. Bharat Pandya in his own charismatic styleand manner kept the audience enthralled and glued to their seats. His pearls of wisdom motivated each and every person present in the auditorium to “BE GOOD & DO GOOD”.

The grand ceremony culminated with a sumptuous lunch with the ever gracious host club members paying personal attention to each and every guest.

Thus, this Rotary year 2024-25 has been off to a rollicking start and this augurs well for the coming 364 days to follow.


AG Rtn. Amod Divekar

Rotary Club of Panvel Central