District Governor - Rtn. Manjoo Phadke
Editor - Rtn. Madhur Dolare

Rotary Club of Panvel Symphony Hosts Dental and Eye Check Up Camps, Benefiting Over 120 Girls Back

The Rotary Club of Panvel Symphony recently organized two impactful healthcare camps, significantly benefiting young girls in the community.

The first initiative was a dental and ophthalmic check up camp held at Swapnalay Girls Orphanage in Takka, Panvel. This camp was conducted in association with Laxmi Charitable Eye Institute and Ann Dr. Shilpa's Uma Dental Clinic. Approximately 30 teenage girls received essential dental and eye care services, enhancing their overall health and well-being.

In a similar effort, RC Panvel Symphony organized an ophthalmic camp at SOS Village in Alibag, again in partnership with Laxmi Charitable Eye Institute. This camp provided eye care services to 93 beneficiaries, ensuring that the girls received the necessary attention and treatment for their vision health.

These initiatives by the Rotary Club of Panvel Symphony demonstrate a strong commitment to improving the health and lives of underprivileged girls in the region. Through collaborative efforts and dedicated service, the club continues to make a positive impact on the community.