Rtn. Shubhangi Mulay
District Governor
Rtn. Shital Shah

Message by DRR Drishti Singh Back

Dear Rotary Family,


As we step into the 2024-2025 year, I wanted to reflect on the status of Rotaract over the past few years, share my vision and plans for the year, and highlight the strong connection between Rotary and Rotaract in our district.


Over the past few years, our district’s Rotaract has grown remarkably. Membership has increased by 80% in last 2 years, with 3,400+ members last year at one point in time and 40% being women. We now have 130+ clubs, with 25 new clubs chartered annually for the past two years. Despite the challenges, our members have demonstrated unwavering dedication and adaptability, ensuring that our service and fellowship continues uninterrupted.


Looking ahead, my vision for Rotaract in RIY 2024-25 includes:

  1. Expanding Membership & Promoting DEI: Targeting 25% membership growth and establishing 25 new rotaract clubs. We aim for 5% of Rotaract alumni to become Rotarians in the next three years.
  2. Leadership Development: Offering learning programs and workshops, appointing a Toastmasters Ambassador, and introducing the KEY initiative that includes learning a language, any art form, maintaining sound Mental & Physical health, and grooming for Internships and jobs.
  3. Sustainable Projects: Prioritizing impactful CSR projects with a newly formed CSR Committee, aiming for 5 CSR grants in RIY24-25. This is the first time Rotaract is setting up this committee to venture into collaborations with corporates.
  4. Enhancing Visibility: Promoting activities through social media and media houses to create the Brand Rotaract.


The bond between Rotary and Rotaract is like a perfect cricket partnership—Rotary’s experience mentors us while Rotaract’s energy hits the boundaries. Together, we can score big for our organisation and communities.


Lastly, my heartfelt best wishes to District Governor Shital Shah and First Lady Ragini Shah. As we embark on this innings of RIY 2024-25 together, may your leadership be the captain’s knock that guides us to victory, hitting sixes of service, fours of fellowship, and wickets of positive impact.


Yours in Service,

PHF Rtr. Drishti Singh 

District Rotaract Representative 

RIY 2024-2025 RID 3131