District Governor - Rtn. Manjoo Phadke
Editor - Rtn. Madhur Dolare

Rotary Club of Poona Downtown Empowers Visually Impaired Students with Laptops Back

In an inspiring act of generosity, the Rotary Club of Poona Downtown has significantly improved the lives of visually impaired students at S P College, Pune, during their Rotary year 2023-24. Recognizing the unique challenges faced by these students, the club distributed 21 laptops to aid their education and personal development.

S P College is home to 50 visually impaired students who, despite their disability, attend lectures and take exams alongside their peers. Their daily academic journey is fraught with challenges that most students take for granted. From commuting to college, navigating corridors and staircases and participating in lectures without visual aids, to relying on writers for exams, these students constantly overcome significant obstacles to pursue their education.

However, the determination of these students is matched by the support they receive from their fellow students and teachers. The college has established a special Computer Lab with dedicated trainers to help these students become proficient in using computers. This technological proficiency allows them to type their own notes and exams, an essential skill for their academic and professional futures.

The heartwarming initiative was made possible by a generous donation of ₹13 lakh from Rotary member Rtn. Rashida Baharainwala and her family. Their contribution exemplifies the spirit of "service above self" and has made a tangible difference in the lives of these students.

Through this initiative, the Rotary Club of Poona Downtown has not only provided essential tools for education but has also reinforced the belief that technology can be a powerful ally in overcoming disabilities. This act of kindness and support stands as a beacon of hope and inspiration for the entire community.