Rtn. Shubhangi Mulay
District Governor
Rtn. Shital Shah

We are very much proud to share their names :- Back
1) Rtn.Amod Divekar ( RC Panvel Central)

2) Rtn.Uday Dharmadhikari (RC Pune Central)

3) Rtn.Arun Khedwal ( RC Panvel Mahanagar)

4) Rtn.Dr.Ravikiran Kumar ( RC Kharghar Midtown)

5) Rtn.Shweta Khedwal ( RC Panvel Mahanagar)

On behalf of the Publication Team A Very Happy New Year To All of You. On the very first day of New Year we are very much thrilled to announce the names of early 5 all correct answers to the Rotary Quiz from GML of December month.
They are recognised as Pink Cap Winners.

Heartiest congratulations to all the GML Quiz Pink Cap winners.
Sharing the Digital Certificates of all 5 Pink Cap Winners.