Rotary Club of Pune Pristine
President 24 -25 : Rtn. Shilpa Bhoskar
Club Information :-
The main focus areas of the club are:
Pediatric Heart Surgeries: The club has been doing Pediatric Heart Surgeries for the last 7 years associated with leading hospitals from Pune & Pimpri
Pediatric Onco Treatments :- Pediatric Cancer treatments for needy families. Club has supported 264 Cancer treatments, BMT (Bone Marrow Transplant) and Liver Transplants.
Vayat Yetanna :- This is the club's lecture series for adolescents school children. Adolescents experience rapid changes in their bodies and hormonal levels, which can be stressful and challenging. Club's members who are Practicing Doctors & Professionals conduct these sessions, we also conduct Q&A sessions to answer children's doubts.
Transformation Awards (प्रिस्टीन परिवर्तन पुरस्कार) : The club gives Transformation Award to person or organisation who has created impactful transformation in betterment of the society.