Waste Management & Upcycling
On 18th Jan 2025, Rotary Club of Pune North organised the visit for we all interactors, to the Eco-foundation factory, which is at Yavat where they upcycle and recycle the tonnes and tonnes of waste generated by us daily. Here, we were taught the significance of conserving our environment and protecting it from constant deterioration wrought by the immense amounts of pollution.
On reaching the factory, we were shown the various methods of upcycling waste with the motto “Zero waste production.” We were introduced to organic farming by an experienced professional of Eco-foundation. He explained the different methods of organic farming, emphasizing each point. We were later shown an aspect of entrepreneurship in the upcycling of animal waste. As part of this, they demonstrated how cow dung can be utilized for the betterment of the environment while earning reasonable profits.
A major problem in cities is the lack of proper garbage segregation, making it near impossible to recycle. At the Eco- foundation factory, the importance of this segregation was highlighted so that it could be recycled with minimal waste production. We were shown various machinery that helped in the upcycling of garbage such as bio-gas plants, vermicompost unit, etc.
One of the Sr. Rotarian (Rtn. Rajendra Kumar Saraf) conducted an interactive session where he got our minds churning with questions like “What can I do to conserve the environment? What can my family do to conserve the environment? What can we do together?" He highlighted the point of the traditional methodology for recycling garbage and zero waste production.
Overall, we had a wonderful time at the Eco-foundation factory and took many learnings back with us. We understand how even a small habitual change in the lifestyle of each of us can have a positive impact on our Earth.
We the students from Interact Club of Rishi Gurukulam, sponsored by RCP Fortune, attended the visit. Also students from Kurkumbh attended the visit, where new Interact Club formation is in process, efforts made by RC Kurkumbh MIDC.
Our heartfelt gratitude to Rotary Club of Pune North for organizing this event and giving us exposure to upcycling and the conservation of nature. We are equally thankful to Rtn. Sanjay Karwa, who organized the one day educational tour which benefited all of us immensely.
On behalf of all the 30 students.
Joy Tanna & Aaryan Shukla,
Students of Rishi Gurukulam, Pune