The Rotary International Convention 2024 was held from May 26th to 29th, hosted by the Rotary Club of Singapore, with an impressive attendance of nearly 14,000 participants from around the globe. For many, the Convention is an unforgettable experience, offering the chance to witness the magnitude of Rotary at the international level. It serves as a perfect platform to meet senior leaders and fellow Rotarians and to learn about the extensive work being carried out worldwide.
This year, almost 22 Rotarians from our district attended the Convention, including our very own District Governor, Manjoo Phadke. All attendees had a great time participating in the Convention sessions, networking, engaging in fellowship, visiting the House of Friendship (HOF) and exploring the magnificent city of Singapore, a global economic powerhouse.
The event featured a variety of sessions, including opening sessions, breakout sessions and luncheon meetings, keeping attendees engaged from 9 AM to 5 PM. These sessions included discussions and interactive panels on various subjects.
Sessions by RI President R. Gordon R. McInally, RI President-Elect Stephanie Urchick, RI President-Nominee Mario Cesar Martins de Camargo and RI General Secretary & CEO John Hewko were particularly well-attended. They shared their experiences and vision for Rotary's future. For enthusiastic Rotarians, many sessions will be available online. Enhancing membership within Rotary by improving the overall club membership experience was a key focus for many leaders. John Hewko highlighted the success of "Companion Clubs," which focus largely on service projects and attract young professionals, exhibiting lower attrition rates and thriving well.
In summary, the Convention is a great opportunity to connect with fellow Rotarians from around the world, achieving varied objectives such as business, friendship and networking, or simply personal connections. This directly or indirectly benefits our own clubs, district and eventually, Rotary as a whole. Special thanks to PDG Pankaj Shah for graciously inviting all attendees from District 3131 for a cup of coffee. We also wish a speedy recovery to Rtn. Manju Rastogi, who met with an injury and had to be hospitalized. Thanks to all Rotarians who took care and periodically attended to her.
"May this International Convention be a time of inspiration, of connection and of transformation." – RI President R. Gordon R. McInally
Rtn. Sanjay Karwa
Co-Director, Youth Service RY 23-24