Rotary Club of Pune Kothrud
Geet Gayan Spardha
22nd Rotary Geet Gayan Spardha was organized this year on 12th January at Pudumjee Hall, MCCIA, Tilak Road, Pune. Rotary Club of Pune Kothrud has been organizing this competition since 2001. The competition is aimed at providing a platform for upcoming singers and music lovers from Rotary fraternity and to give an opportunity to enhance their musical skills.
This year 50 participants from 25 Rotary Clubs in Rotary District 3131 participated in the competition. The participants presented their solo as well as duet performances in the competition. The participants presented their musical performances on live music orchestrated by professional musicians.
Renowned singers Shri. Jitendra Abhyankar, Smt. Shubhangi Mulay, Smt. Aarti Dixit were Judges of Honor for the competition.
The program was inaugurated by Rtn. Vaishali Vernekar Cultural Director Rotary District 3131 and Rtn. Manish Didmishe, President Rotary Club of Pune Kothrud. Rtn. Manish gave brief details about various vocational and service projects undertaken by the club, followed by
the presentation of an Abhang by Rtn. Vaishali Vernekar.
The program was organised under leadership of Rtn. Urmila Haldankar , project chair person and attended by more than 300 Rotarians from the district. Rtn. Rajesh Bhate, Director Vocational and Youth Avenue, Rtn. Hemchandra Date, Director Public Image were amongst the dignitaries present for the program.
Rtn.Urmila Haldankar
Rotary Club of Pune Kothrud