Rtn. Shubhangi Mulay
District Governor
Rtn. Shital Shah

Rotary Club of Poona Back

Interschool Patriotic Singing Competition

On 10th of August, Rotary Club of Poona under the Presidentship of Maj. Gen. Amar Krishna, held an ‘Inter School Patriotic Singing Competition' at the YMCA Hall, near Race course. This is our signature project and was organised by the Youth Service Avenue, headed by Director PP Sanjay Kher & coordinated by Interact Chairperson Rtn. Daljeet Raizada.15 Schools participated and were well supported by their teachers and parents.

The melodious voices of the children resonated and instilled in all a deep sense of pride and love for our motherland and the colourful attire and vibrant energy of the children filled the hall with excitement.

The program was also attended by District RYLA Chairman Sanjay Karwa and President of Rotary Club of Pune Far East Vanita Mehta.

The top 3 winning schools were presented with trophies and all others received participation certificates.

Chhatrachaya Project

The Rotary Club of Poona under the Presidentship of Maj.Gen. Amar Krishna, distributed 34 umbrellas under the Chhatrachaya project to various beneficiaries. For these sellers of fruits, vegetables and tender coconut, for the security guard or cobbler on the street, a protection over their heads was indeed welcome. Be it rain or be it sun, these people have to sell their wares and do their duty. Their smiles and expressions of sheer gratitude on receiving the umbrellas made our day!

‘ Rakshak Bandhan’ at Command Hospital

Rotary Club of Poona on 19th of August celebrated ‘Raksha Bandhan’ with the Commandant, doctors, patients , nurses and other staff of the Command Hospital, a tradition reflecting our gratitude, respect and affection for our beloved Faujis who are our Rakshaks. A Citation was also presented to the Commandant and All Ranks of the Command Hospital, urging them to apply ‘The Four-Way Test’ in every aspect of their lives.

Raksha Bandhan and Tree Plantation at Military Police Unit

A synergy project in which Rotary Club of Poona and the Inner Wheel Club of Pune Downtown came together to honour the dedication of the personnel at the Military Police Unit near Camp Gurudwara. Rakhees were tied to the Commandant, Deputy Commandant, and all ranks followed by a tree plantation drive where fruit saplings were provided to the unit.

Rtn. Trupti Gowariker

Rotary Club of Poona