Rtn. Shubhangi Mulay
District Governor
Rtn. Shital Shah

DG Desk Back

My Dear Fellow Rotarians,

As the new Rotary year 2024-25 sets in, the magical journey of District 3131 begins with “ROTARY CHATRA CHAYA” project - an initiative that will go a long way in engaging members &enhance the public image of Rotary by providing shelter to poor street vendors. I appreciate all Rotary Clubs for overwhelming response to this unique project.

District 3131 is on the rise & our journey has been progressive& impressive year after another. We have set high benchmark’s to our Foundation giving’s& to the quantum of service projects we undertake in all 7 Focus areas. Participation of clubs in youth activities & structured programs has been fabulous. Our reach out to corporate for taping CSR funds for Rotary projects has been phenomenal. As we move ahead, let us all strive to achieve new milestones for 3131.

RI President Stephanie Urchick has unveiled the theme for RY 24-25 “The Magic of Rotary “.

It is the magic when we Rotarian's transform lives by providing education to illiterates, change lives when we provide pure drinking water, develop villages and eradicate dreadful diseases like polio. As a true Rotarian, responsibility lies upon us to continue our service forthe deprived communities.

We have thoughtfully launched the Playing 11 initiative under District 3131 thrust areas. Activities& projects listed in Playing 11will create huge impact on communities in every corner of our District . The CHAUKAR & SHATKAR initiatives are well informed in District forums and I expect each and every club to participate in this super initiative.

Rotary action plan begins with membership. Adding new members and engaging them in Rotary projects will make our clubs vibrant. Be sure that the member experience matters the most in retaining them.

In the end let me touch upon 4 pillars that will bring the magic of Rotary :- 1) Bringing Youth to Rotary 2) Getting Women in Rotary 3) Tap CSR funds by reaching out to corporate world & 4) Your wholehearted donation to Rotary Foundation.

Wish you all the best for the rocking and the most happening RY 2024-25 !!!


Rtn. Shital Shah District Governor, RID 3131